On our website we have:
- Glossary of terms, you can find in various financial and insurance documents, job contracts etc.
This Glossary is conveniently divided by subjects:- Death and Taxes
- Deferred Profit Sharing Plans and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
- Employer-Sponsored Pension Plans
- Estate Planning in Special Situations
- Family Property and Other Issues
- Government-Sponsored Retirement Income Programs
- Health and Long-term Care Insurance
- Living Will, Forms of Property Interests, Intestacy and Probate
- Mortgage and Buying Property
- Risk of Death
- Risk of Disability
- Risk of Property and Liability Losses
- RRIFs, LIFs, LRIFs & Annuities
- Wills and Powers of Attorney for Property
For Full List of Abbreviations and Terms, please, click here.